Live streaming, film and television production and responsible events now booking at Center Stage

Book the iconic Center Stage Theater, The Loft & Vinyl for exclusive use, daily or long-term.

Ideal for
– Film & Television productions
– Artist rehearsals and recording
– Live stream performances and meetings

Center Stage welcomes responsible events. Health safety is our top concern and all events are subject to a collaborative healthy safety plan that protects performers, crew and participating audience. Contact us to learn more about our medical screening entry process, hand hygiene preparation, venue-wide sanitization, touch-point porters, work distancing practices and contact tracing. Together we’ll produce an experience that exceeds CDC requirements and creates a comfortable environment for our artists, cast and crews.

Center Stage venue rental is inclusive of our audio, lighting and concert production services.

Click the Rent the Venue button on our Venue Rental page to get started. Rental Manager Niki Lockwood will reply promptly.

    Thanks for your interest in venue rental at Center Stage, The Loft or Vinyl.

    New clients and perspective event producers should complete the form below to expedite a response to your rental inquiry. It is not necessary to call - simply provide the information below and you will hear from us!

    Thank you, we look forward to working with you.


    Niki Lockwood

    Rental Manager

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